About Me

Hi, I'm Dr. Anthony Keyes

I moved to Minneota in 2021. Before arriving, I lived in a variety of places where I always sought out new foods to eat. I was born in Georgia, and from there, my family moved around every couple of years. The order was Georgia → Arkansas → Minnesota → Mississippi → Illinois → Utah → Guam → Japan → Hawaii → Ohio → Colorado. Once I graduated high school I moved to Mississippi for undergrad, Bordeaux for my Masters, and Texas for my PhD. I’ve also been able to travel to Spain, Australia, Malaysia and India. With all the traveling, the only thing I ever remember is the food I ate. That’s why I always seek out new types of food wherever I live. And now that I’m here, I figured I would document the places I enjoy here. My boyfriend built me this website, so all thanks goes to him for allowing me to easily share the food I find worth calling out.